Friday, April 29, 2011

Women Are Attracted to Men's Uncertainty

A study published by the Psychological Science journal reinforced the reciprocity principle, stating that people like others who also like them as well, and revealed that women are more romantically attracted to mysterious men who are unsure about the reciprocity of their attraction towards them.

The study was conducted on 47 college women with Facebook accounts, who were asked to view the profiles of four male students who had previously seen their profiles. The men included in the study had to decide if they:

a) Liked the women a lot;

b) Found the women average;

c) Were uncertain whether they liked the women or found them average.

The women then had to rate their moods and their feelings and thoughts towards the men. The results showed the validity of the reciprocity principle, revealing that women felt more attracted to men who also found them attractive and liked them a lot than to men who found them average. This proves that people respond to others based on the feelings they receive and give back accordingly. Basically if you like me, I like you back, and if I like you, you probably like me back as well. However, the surprising part of the study was that women were even more attracted to men who were uncertain whether they liked them or not than to men who liked them a lot. It seems that uncertainty is a guilty pleasure for women. The study showed that women who were in the uncertain group were most attracted to the men, even more than women who were in the “like-a-lot” group. Moreover, women in the uncertain group thought about the men the most, which actually increased their attraction towards the men. Likewise, women in the “like-a-lot” group seemed to be in a very good mood in comparison to those in the average group, but those in the uncertain group were surprisingly again in an even better mood.


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